To You- The One Who Feels Like They Are Falling Behind In Life

To you- the one who feels like they are falling behind in life. To the one whose fears are them back.

I hope you trust the timing of your life, and that you follow your own path without worrying so much about what everyone else is doing or how fast they are moving.  I hope you know that you don’t have to always be moving at full speed ahead. I hope you know that staying still for a minute is not a flaw or a failure, and that sometimes we need to pause before we know how to make our dreams come true. I hope you know that the journey is part of the fun, and that you will reach your destination in the timing that is best for you.

And I hope you take the time to figure out what part of the “more” you need. 

I hope you trust that each chapter of your story has a purpose. Maybe you don’t know the title of the chapter you are in now, but one day you will. 

Maybe you’re not where you want to be at 20 or 30 or 40 because God is teaching you that you can’t keep living your life according to what society is expecting, or what your parents are expecting or what you are expecting. Maybe the lesson is to let go all of the expectations, let go of all the timelines and let go of the notion that at a certain age, you have to be more accomplished than others or you need to have it all together.

Maybe waiting is just another word for letting go.

What are you afraid of? Is it that you’ve made too many mistakes to be truly forgiven? That you’ve wandered too far off the path to be brought back? That you don’t really understand the Bible? That you haven’t grown up in faith? That you’ve sinned without care for so long? That you’re unworthy? That God won’t love you? 

I hear the doubts in your heart. Trust me, I know; I experience them too. We’re all fighting the demons in our heads, all trying to understand what our purpose here on earth is and what this life means. We’re all trying to navigate through a world that continually tells us faith is silly, that trusting the unseen is foolish, that the truths from the Bible are fairytales, that God isn’t real.

Because in reality, we all have doubts. We all have things that scare us. We all have moments—no matter how ‘strong’ or ‘wise’ or ‘powerful’ we are—where we wonder. We all have hesitations that hold us back from seeking the truth, from clutching that truth in our palms, for letting that truth warm our hearts.

Don’t let your fear keep you from glory. 

Don’t let doubt hold you back from all the wonderful love that your Father has given you. Don’t spend your life wandering around, shouldering pain, feeling lost and abandoned.